1983 |
- Foundation of Võ-Đạo-Việt-Nam in Germany, 29 March 1983
1991 |
2001 |
- Foundation of the Võ-Đạo-Việt-Nam group in Noordwijk - with the first training Tuesday 30 October

2002 |
- Foundation of the ESTEC Martial Arts Club, September 2002
2006 |

- Participation to carneval pageant in Cologne

- ESTEC Funrun (Director's Prize "Most Original Team")

2007 |
- 1st International Summer Seminar (ISS ;o) )

2008 |
- Participation to the event "20 years Escape"- Võ-Đạo-Việt-Nam demonstration

2009 |
- Common training of the ESTEC Martial Arts Club (Taekwondo, Seido Karate, Võ-Đạo-Việt-Nam)

- ESTEC club of the month June

- Participation to ESTEC Martial Arts Club demonstration

2010 |
- 3rd International Summer Seminar with participants from groups in France, Italy, Germany and The Netherlands

2011 |
- Special training day for ESTEC security during which our group provided self-defence sessions
- 4th International Summer Seminar with participants from groups in France, Italy, Germany and The Netherlands

- 10 years Võ-Đạo-Việt-Nam in Noordwijk, The Netherlands
(see article here)
2013 |
- 5th International Summer Seminar with international participants
2016 |
- 6th International Summer Seminar with international participants (Link)

- 15 years Võ-Đạo-Việt-Nam in Noordwijk, The Netherlands
2017 |
- 7th International Summer Seminar with international participants (Link)

- 8th International Summer Seminar with international participants

2023 |
- 100 years Anniversary of Võ-Đạo-Việt-Nam

2024 |
- 9th International Summer Seminar with international participants
