Training content

Here you can find a few snap shots taken during and after the training giving an impression of the diversity of Võ-Đạo-Việt-Nam. 

  • Meditation
  • Khi energy exercises such as Khi Cong and Tai Chi
  • Co-ordination, streching and flexibility
  • Power and endurance
  • Self defence
  • Fighting techniques with as well as without weapons

are equal training components. Võ-Đạo-Việt-Nam is a martial arts school and like in any other school you find a diverese set of subjects like the ones mentioned above. Therefore there is not only the physical training but  in addition there are lectures in which theoretical background and different philosophies are explained and taught.




Gymnastics & Fitness


Form (Quyen) Training


Short Stick


Long Stick




Dragon Sabre


After the training...